aibgb | Allied Irish Bank UK |
aibgbbusiness | Allied Irish Bank Business UK |
bankofireland_uk | Bank of Ireland UK |
bankofirelandbusiness_uk | Bank of Ireland Business UK |
bankofscotland | Bank of Scotland (Personal) |
bankofscotlandbusiness | Bank of Scotland (Business) |
bankofscotlandcommercial_uk | Bank of Scotland (Commercial) |
barclays_business | Barclays Business |
barclays_corporate | Barclays Corporate |
barclays_wealth | Barclays Wealth |
barclays | Barclays Personal |
capitalone_uk | Capital One |
cashplus | Cash Plus |
chelseabuildingsociety | Chelsea Building Society |
cooperativebank | Co-Operative |
coutts | Coutts & Company |
cumberlandbuildingsociety | Cumberland Building Society |
danskebank_uk | Danske Bank |
danskebankbusiness_uk | Danske Bank Business UK |
firstdirect | First Direct |
firsttrustbank | AIB NI (First Trust) Personal |
firsttrustbankbusiness | AIB NI (First Trust) Business |
halifax | Halifax Personal |
handelsbanken_uk | Handelsbanken UK |
handelsbankenbusiness_uk | Handelsbanken Business UK |
hoaresbank | Hoares Bank |
hsbc_uk | HSBC Personal |
hsbcbusiness_uk | HSBC UK Business |
hsbccorporate | HSBC Net |
hsbckinetic | HSBC Kinetic |
lloyds | Lloyds (Personal) |
lloydsbusiness | Lloyds (Business) |
lloydscommercial_uk | Lloyds (Commercial) |
mbna | MBNA |
mettle | Mettle |
monzo_ob | Monzo |
msbank | M&S Bank |
nationwide | Nationwide |
natwest | Natwest |
natwestbusiness | Natwest Corporate |
rbs | Royal Bank of Scotland |
rbsbusiness | Royal Bank of Scotland Bankline |
revolut | Revolut |
sainsburysbank | Sainsbury's Bank |
santander_uk | Santander |
siliconvalleybank | Silicon Valley Bank |
soldo-token | Soldo UK |
starling | Starling Bank |
tescobank | Tesco Bank |
thinkmoney | thinkmoney |
tide | Tide |
tsb | TSB Bank |
ulsterbank_uk | Ulster Bank UK |
ulsterbankbusiness_uk | Ulster Bank Business |
unitytrust | Unity Trust |
vanquis-bank | Vanquis Bank |
virginmoney_essential | Virgin Money (Essential) |
virginmoney | Virgin Money |
wise-live | Wise |
yorkshirebuildingsociety | Yorkshire Building Society |